Ms. Stewart's Class

This is a multiage third and fourth grade classroom. The purpose of our blog is to share our learning and help parents be informed about some of our goings on.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wednesday Morning

We're having a full and fun week so far. One of our highlights is reading the Gollywopper Games. Monday afternoon we listened to several versions of Wimowey (or Lion Sleeps Tonight). Many of us sang along. Next we listened to a teaching version by Pete Seeger. This was one of the most fun Kiva Sings! The song is VERY popular.

In math we continue to work with geometric shapes. We are building regular and irregular polygons. 'Poly' means many; 'gon' means sides. A polygon has at least three sides, no curved lines and is a closed two dimensional shape.

Science on Tuesday furthered our learning about pendulums. Students worked in age, gender and core mixed pairs (self selected) to test the variable of weight on the bob of a pendulum. Next they tested the length of the string. The question was this: "How does the weight of the bob ( or the length of the string) change the number of swings per ten seconds." Each pair of students used the science inquiry process and fair testing to explore these questions. Please do feel ask your child about this.

If you read this blog, it would be helpful to me if you would leave me a comment. I can't tell if the blog is an effective form of communication or not.

For all school announcements, please see The School Bell.


1 comment:

  1. Susan, I am reading each of your blog postings. Thanks for keeping the Bohmann family informed.
    Will Bohmann


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